PhD Indiana Tech, Global Leadership June 2016
Dissertation: “Factors that Support Student Success and
Their Perceptions of Success: Lessons from a Scottish
MA Brooklyn College, English Literature May 2007
Thesis: “There Be Soul-Artists: The Effects of the
Spiritualism Movement on Harriet Beecher Stowe’s
The Minister’s Wooing.”
BS Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI) May 2003
English Education
Teaching and Academic Experience
Tiffin University, Tiffin, OH Aug 2016-January 2022
Celebrating CulTUral Uniqueness (CCU) Project Manager
Office of the President
Assist Tiffin University’s president as the project manager in creating and implementing a cultural competencies initiative on campus. Work directly with the President’s Advisory Council to oversee internal and external trainings and campus programming. Helped design Building Cultural Competencies Training program and train faculty, staff, and students.
Tiffin University, Tiffin, OH
PhD Program Coordinator, School of Business Aug 2019-January 2022
Assisting the PhD Program Director and School of business Dean in the PhD of Global Leadership and Change. Duties include: registering students, staying current on financial aid and registration policies and guidelines, advising students, planning events like the annual PhD residency, and assisting in communication with students. I also teach in the program.
Tiffin University, Tiffin, OH
Adjunct Professor, Multiple Schools Aug 2018-Present
PhD in Global Leadership: RES 720: Qualitative Research, GLC 740: Change, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Motivation, and GLC 750: Communication Theories and Issues Management: MGT 411: International Management
English: ENG 141: Rhetoric and Introductory Writing
Goshen College, Goshen, IN Aug 2022 to Dec 2022
Adjunct Professor, Composition
Teach CORE 110: Academic Voice
Grace College, Winona Lake, IN Aug 2018 to Present
Adjunct Professor, English
Teach ENG 1100: Effective Writing and HUM 2000: Global Perspectives
Indiana Tech, Warsaw, IN Aug 2014-Jan 2015
Adjunct Professor, Humanities
Courses Taught: HUM 2000 (Intro to Humanities) and HUM 3710 (Ethics), attended meetings and helped to implement curriculum for humanities courses.
Ivy Tech Community College, Warsaw, IN Aug 2008-Dec 2014
Adjunct Professor, English and General Education
Courses Taught: ENG 111, ENG 093, IVYT101, and IVYT 120. Taught intro English courses and college preparatory course to help students with entry level writing and reading skills as well as life skills to help with success in college.
Purdue University-Fort Wayne (PFW), Fort Wayne, IN Aug 2008-May 2009
Adjunct Professor, English
Courses Taught: ENG131 and ENG129, attended meetings, conferences, and helped to implement curriculum for introductory English courses.
St. Joseph High School, Brooklyn, NY Sept 2003-July 2008
English Teacher
Taught English at an all-girls school for at-risk students in downtown Brooklyn, NY. I implemented programs, created and executed curriculum and lesson plans, counseled students as needed and advised the school’s book club. Grades taught included freshmen, juniors, and seniors. Administered and graded New York Regents in English.
Professional Experience
Freelance Writer Aug 2017-Present
Write articles for publications like Reader’s Digest, Taste of Home, The Knot,, Working Mother’s Magazine, and For full list of publications, click here.
GlamourGals Foundation, Inc. Commack, NY Aug 2008-Nov 2012
Director of Programs
Worked both virtually and in person in New York City to expand the GlamourGals program while developing and implementing new policies for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Wrote grants, developed curriculum, helped with article writing and content building to promote the current program and to raise awareness. Monitored and ran all social media accounts. Helped plan events in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Organized 1,000 volunteers who engaged with over 1,200 senior women.
PhD Committee Work
Consistently sit on PhD Dissertation committees. Currently chairing four dissertations and sitting on one as a committee member at Tiffin University’s PhD in Global Leadership and Change.
Academic Presentations
Presentation, “Grief, Trauma, and Leadership: Supporting Leaders in Times of Loss”
International Leadership Association's 26th global conference, Architects of Change: Leaders, Followers, & Communities, to be held 7-10 November 2024
Presentation, “Infusing Cultural Intelligence (CQ) into a 4-year General Education Curriculum,”
AACU General Education, Pedagogy, and Assessment Conference, February 2021
Academic Trainings Lead
Building Cultural Competencies in Organizations, Mercy College, 2022-2024.
Building Cultural Competencies, Board Boot Camp, Warsaw Community School Board, 2021.
Building Cultural Competencies in Organizations, Bluffton University, 2021
Building Cultural Competencies in Organizations, Tiffin University, 2018-present
Board Membership
Washington STEM Academy PTO, Warsaw, IN July 2022-Present
PTO Co-president
Spoonful of Imagination, Warsaw, IN Aug 2019-March 2002
Community Service
Wagon Wheel Center for the Arts
Warsaw, IN
Diversity and Inclusivity Statement Task Force
Chapter Advisor
Brooklyn, NY (St. Joseph High School) 2006-2008
Syracuse, IN (Wawasee High School) 2007-2009
Tiffin, OH (Tiffin University) 2017-2019
Social Media Team, 2015-Present
CQ Certified by the Cultural Intelligence Center July 2019